Cité + home page   Montréal


Registration Contract with CITÉ+

In order to access the CITÉ+ system, clients must confirm that they have read, understood and accepted the provisions of this contract by clicking on the button “I agree”.


Since access to the CITÉ+ website is reserved exclusively for real estate experts, all new clients must indicate in the registration form in what capacity they wish to access it (real estate agent, architect, lawyer, developer, mortgagee, certified evaluator, notary, etc.) and must provide, within thirty (30) days of registration, certification proving their status as real estate specialists to the following address:

Ville de Montréal - Cité+
801, Brennan
9th floor
Montréal, Québec
H3C 0G4

Clients who fail to meet this requirement will be refused access to the CITÉ+ service, and neither the fees paid for their registration nor the amount of the deposit they made in their customer accounts will be refunded to them.


Annual registration fees of $161.10 must be paid at the time of registration. These fees are non-refundable.

Fees of $7.70 are required on every transaction. They are paid at the time of the request and drawn from the balance of the customer account. The balance of the customer account is displayed online, and the fees are debited in real time.

Prior to the very first request, the customer account must have a balance of no less than $20. The deposit in the client account is non-refundable.

Clients may consult their account statement online to see details of transactions, such as date of each request, account number and type of account, etc.

The City reserves the right to modify the amount of fees related to CITÉ+ use. Any modification of annual registration fees will come into effect the following January 1st. Any other modification will come into effect within thirty (30) days of the notice.

Change of E-mail Address

Clients must absolutely notify the online support staff of CITÉ+ whenever they change e-mail addresses, since this address is included in their user code. This change can be done directly using the “Change entry” form placed under Clients in the menu bar.

Clients are responsible for notifying the online support staff of CITÉ+ of any other changes in information provided in the user files.


Holders of passwords authorizing them to access the CITÉ+ website are responsible for any activities related to these passwords.

Obligation to Accept Cookies

Clients have read the information contained in the hypertext links Security and Confidentiality and Minimum Use Conditions.

After reading these two (2) documents, CITÉ+ clients know and understand:

    1. they must accept the presence of witnesses (cookies) that is they must not configure their computers in order not to accept cookies; and

    2. they must guarantee their browser uses a 128-bit cryptographic protocol; otherwise access to CITÉ+ will be refused.

Data of the CITÉ+ Website

The City guarantees that the CITÉ+ website data corresponds to the best of its knowledge to the state of the situation of any account at the time of the request, subject to any eventual modification which could have a retroactive effect on the balance of any account: interest adjustment, addition of transfer taxes, and renovation taxes, cancelled payments, etc.


Clients are solely responsible for the results of their research. The City does not guarantee the perfect accuracy of data collected and assumes no responsibility as to errors this data might contain or errors of interpretation they could give rise to.

Texts and data available in the CITÉ+ website are liable to contain technical inaccuracies or typos.

Also, in case of discrepancy between an official document and the CITÉ+, website contents, the official document has precedence.

Personal Data

Clients have the right to access, modify, correct or delete personal data. This right is granted by virtue of An Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information.

Cancellation of Use of Services

When clients no longer wish to use CITÉ+ for whatever reason, they are not entitled to a refund: neither for registration nor the balance of their customer accounts.


This contract may not be assigned or transferred to a third party without prior written authorization by the City.

Non-responsibility Clause

The City is not liable for damages resulting from use of the CITÉ+ website and the presence or absence of data, or the delivery, compilation, interpretation of any data obtained through the CITÉ+ website. The City does not guarantee that the data of CITÉ+ is free of error or will be provided within any timeframe.

The City will not be held liable for any fraudulent or illegal use of a credit card.

Temporary Interruption

The City may at any time temporarily interrupt access to the CITÉ+ website in order to update, modify, correct the contents of CITÉ+ or improve or change the equipment used.

Clients are not entitled to a refund in case service is interrupted.


The City reserves the right to modify the list of contents, terms and conditions of access to the CITÉ+ website, by giving prior notice to clients as to the nature of modifications and the date on which they come into effect.

Legal Recourse

Clients are solely responsible for damages to the City and third parties resulting from use of the CITÉ+ website data. Clients shall take up the defence of the City in any claim resulting directly or indirectly from use of the CITÉ+ website and hold it free of any claim whatsoever and any final judgment rendered against it and settle any amount whatsoever, in capital, fees and other related accessories. The City agrees to notify clients of any such claim within thirty (30) days of its receipt.

Applicable Legislation

This contract is governed by the laws of Québec, and any claim must be taken up in the legal district of Montréal.

Withdrawal of the Right to Access

The City reserves the right to withdraw authorization to access granted to any client without prior notice or legal demand, when it appears such a client does not respect conditions provided in this contract. In this case, the client's right to access will first of all be suspended, then notice will be served and the client must provide required explanations to the person responsible for the CITÉ+ website within the prescribed timeframe. Failing this, the client's account will be closed without any refund of balance to customer account or registration fees.

Intellectual Property

The City is the exclusive owner of the data and the website of CITÉ+. Clients recognize that City only grants them limited right to use the data as provided herein.

Display, downloading or reproduction of the CITÉ+ website data are authorized on condition that these operations be limited and carried out for personal reasons, that the data is not modified and that the notice of intellectual property be conserved and displayed.

I confirm that I have read and understood all and each of the provisions in this contract and I agree to the conditions stipulated therein.

I agree I refuse

All rights reserved, Ville de Montréal