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Other means of consultation

Individual transactions
If you anticipate having only a very small number of annual transactions, we offer a service to help you out with payment per transaction. In no case can the number of individual searches exceed 10 per year. Once this number is reached, you must subscribe to CITÉ+ to obtain the information required.

The cost per transaction is $21.00. You must send a cheque to the address below made out to Ville de Montréal for the total cost of your search (e.g. for a search for three account numbers: 3 x $21.00 = $63.00):

Ville de Montréal - Cité+
801, Brennan
9th floor
Montréal, Québec
H3C 0G4

You should expect some delay before obtaining the information requested. Your request must state the year for which you need the information. If no year is mentioned, we will assume it is for the current year.

We will send you the entire breakdown of the account by email, and on your request, we can calculate the balance due at a later date.

All rights reserved, Ville de Montréal